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A new creative generation is emerging from the devastation of lockdown. Inside Issue 17 of 10 Magazine Australia, we teamed up with Chanel to spotlight a series of actors, musicians, activists, writers and artists who are fuelled by talent, self-belief and are ready to shape the cultural landscape. Their time is now.

Featuring next is soulful singer/songwriter, Jones. Let her beautiful voice wash over you and transport you somewhere else. It’s time to transcend.

Where is your happy place?

“My happy place is my home. It is my sanctuary, it’s my safe space. It turned into my creative space during lockdown and it’s a place I can be completely relaxed and myself. I decided to move out to somewhere closer to nature after living in the city for many years. As soon as I saw the flat I fell in love and made it my own with gorgeous plants.”

What do you do in your happy place?

“I cook, I sleep, I write music, I listen to music, I spend time with loved ones, I read books and watch Netflix. I’ve written a lot of music here, or I take walks out in the forest.”

Why do you need a happy place?

“I think everyone needs a happy place. You need a place to hit reset and recentre, a place where you feel that you don’t have to be anyone, just yourself, a place that you just feel natural and relaxed in.”

Jones wears Chanel, as photographed by Adama Jalloh. Taken from Issue 17 of 10 Magazine – MY, HAPPY, PLACE – is out NOW.
