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Camilla & Marc's groundbreaking campaign to change the course of ovarian cancer continues. The campaign, in its fifth year, has had a major breakthrough: a global-first development of a unique 3-target signature using DNA biomarkers that detects all types of early-stage ovarian cancer. This milestone is a significant achievement as the brand continues its mission of getting an early detection blood test to clinical trials by 2026. With over $1.7 million raised over the last five years, the brand has reached over one billion people alongside Professor Caroline Ford and her team, which has increased to three more researchers.

“The breakthroughs that have been made with the early detection test have been nothing short of extraordinary," says Camilla Freeman-Topper. "We feel immense pride towards the team at UNSW for their tireless efforts, as well as everyone who has continually supported our ‘Ovaries. Talk About Them.’ campaign. Without this funding we would not have reached this significant milestone. None of us would be here without ovaries and this disease has been silenced for too long. Millions continue to be affected every year, yet there is still no test. It is not good enough. My mother deserved better. We all deserve better.” This year, the brand has designed a new unisex and children's limited edition capsule with typography designed by Camilla and Marc. The slogan, printed across red and cream t-shirts, hoodies and caps sees 100% of proceeds going directly toward supercharging the research. The capsule is available now.